Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The aliens have landed!  Shapopolis is officially done and populated with geometric aliens!  I took a few pictures of the finished product:

I think it turned out so cute!  The students were soo excited to get to hang their aliens on the wall, too.  Here are a few close up shots of some aliens:

Well, this week officially marks my "halfway point" of student teaching.  Seven more weeks and I will be a certified teacher!  Yayyy! 

Also, my haircut turned out really cute!  I was veryy pleased with it.  I haven't gotten to upload any pictures of it yet.  I absolutely loathe uploading pictures from my camera to my laptop.  I find it to be extremely annoying.... not hard or time consuming.  Just annoying.  The Shapopolis pictures came from my Droid.  Maybe I should just start using that as my official camera?  We'll see...