Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The aliens have landed!  Shapopolis is officially done and populated with geometric aliens!  I took a few pictures of the finished product:

I think it turned out so cute!  The students were soo excited to get to hang their aliens on the wall, too.  Here are a few close up shots of some aliens:

Well, this week officially marks my "halfway point" of student teaching.  Seven more weeks and I will be a certified teacher!  Yayyy! 

Also, my haircut turned out really cute!  I was veryy pleased with it.  I haven't gotten to upload any pictures of it yet.  I absolutely loathe uploading pictures from my camera to my laptop.  I find it to be extremely annoying.... not hard or time consuming.  Just annoying.  The Shapopolis pictures came from my Droid.  Maybe I should just start using that as my official camera?  We'll see...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

My first post for February.  Sad.  I really can't help it though.  Why?  Patrick and I have no Internet at our home, so this means I have to go to my mom's house anytime I want to get online.  And... most of that time spent online is for my student teaching.  FYI: My life pretty much = student teaching.  Simple as that.  So hopefully we will be getting Internet soon.  Hopefully...

Anywho, I thought this would be the perfect time to blog about the things I am thankful for.  Hence: Thankful Thursday.

1) SHAPOPOLIS (a.k.a. My Labor of Love) - The 6th graders I am student teaching for have just finished learning about basic geometric terms and shapes, such as angles, polygons, quadrilaterals, line segments, etc.  So I built them a geometry planet that they are going to "launch" geometric aliens on tomorrow.  The students got to suggest their own names for the planet and vote for their overall favorite name.  The winner?  Shapopolis.  I love it!  So, here are the "before" pictures of my hard work:

Day One (obviously).  This took me FOREVER to do!!  Notice the various angles and shapes of the geometric planet?  :)

Day Two.  I finished Shapopolis yesterday.  Yayy!  I am very proud of my Labor of Love.  Just in case you can't see it, the trapezoid sign says "Population of 73."  So tomorrow (Friday) the students are going to launch their geometric aliens onto Shapopolis.  I will definitely take some pictures so I can show off the final product.  I am excited!  :)

2) My Hair Appointment Next Week!!   My roots are HORRID....  and I reallyyy want to get more layers in my hair.  So I'm going to show this picture to my hair lady:

That would be Annalynne McCord from 90210.  She has the perfect haircut.  I hope mine ends up looking somewhat like that?  I will just have to wait until next Wednesday to see. 

Have a blessed weekend! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


...it's been a while since my last post.  Forgive me!! 

So, here's a little update on the goings on of my life:

1)  Student Teaching.  Today marks the third official week of my student teaching, as well as my first day to teach a whole class period by myself.  So far, soo good!  I am absolutely in love with student teaching.  I think about it constantly, and I'm pretty sure I dream about it every night, too.  (Obsessed.. ?)  One thing I have definitely learned about teachers is they do A LOT of EVERYTHING.  When I was a student, I always assumed teachers just planned lessons, graded papers, and assigned a lot of homework.  I was totally wrong...  Everyday, I watch my cooperating teacher manage her students (and their parents), communicate with co-workers and bosses, attend meetings, counsel, teach (of course), plan lessons, grade papers, and everything else under the sun!!!  Each day I gain more and more respect for teachers! 

2) Our house is STILL for sale.  It has been listed for five long months now, but no offers yet.  We are waiting patiently for God to send us our buyer.  He is definitely testing my faith with this house because it is soo easy to get discouraged and lose hope.  Everything will work out on His perfect timing though.  This I know :)

3) Holy Homes!!!  This weekend, our church is hosting a Holy Homes Conference for married couples (and families) to learn how to have a more God-centered home.  I am soo excited!  I absolutely love anything that has to do with enriching the spiritual life of our marriage and future family. 

Well, time to finish watching The Bachelor.  Happy Monday! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm a Survivor...

...of my first official day as a Student Teacher!!!  My 14-week journey towards my teaching certification has officially begun.  My placement is in 6th grade Math and Language Arts, a.k.a. My Dream Job!!  It was a truly wonderful day right from the start.  I walked into my cooperating teacher's classroom and this is the first thing I saw: 

That's right....my own adorable desk with blue daisies.  Soo cute!  Another perk?  My cooperating teacher is extremely gifted at teaching, and I can't wait to learn everything I possibly can from her.  The students are all really sweet and welcoming of me in their classroom, too.  I am truly blessed for this opportunity God has given to me, and I hope I evolve into a wonderful new teacher by the time this Student Teaching chapter of my life is over.  And landing a job wouldn't hurt either...  ;)

Wish me luck! Have a happy and blessed weekend!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010... Hello Blog!

Welcome!  After months (and months) of reading/stalking other people's blogs, I finally decided to give in and start one of my own.   And I know... totally cliche' to (purposely) start my blog on January 1st... but I couldn't help myself.  Speaking of January 1st, allow me to share my 2011 New Year Resolutions:

1)  Give up "Rated R" Movies.   Let me explain.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE movies.  I am seriously that girl that stalks movies and is sitting in the dead center of the movie theater on opening night.  However, most "Rated R" movies (in my opinion) have gone off the deep end of inappropriateness.  In the past, I have felt convicted to stop watching them, but my love for movies just always made me ignore my conviction.  My breaking point?  Love and Other Drugs.  If you have seen that movie, then you know why I made this resolution...

2) Read The Bible Daily.  I think I make this resolution every year, but I have a plan for 2011.  I asked my husband to buy me The One Year Chronological Bible for Christmas this year.  It is simply The Bible divided into 365 daily readings.  This is perfect for me because I thrive on structure--especially because The Bible can be very overwhelming if you don't have a designated reading plan.  You can find The One Year Chronological Bible at any local Christian bookstore or Amazon.com for around $15.00. 

3) Exercise (at least) Three Times a Week.  I know... another cliche' resolution.  However, I planned for this resolution in advance, too.  I asked my mom to buy me Skechers Shape-Ups Toners for Christmas this year.  NOTE: My Skechers are the NON-boat style (See Pic Below).  They are really cute and completely normal looking.  So, hopefully they will inspire me to exercise regularly and get in shape. 

4) Start (and maintain) a Blog.  Obviously... :)

Well, that's all for now.  I hope you all have a very safe, blessed, and Happy New Year!!