Monday, January 24, 2011

Wow...'s been a while since my last post.  Forgive me!! 

So, here's a little update on the goings on of my life:

1)  Student Teaching.  Today marks the third official week of my student teaching, as well as my first day to teach a whole class period by myself.  So far, soo good!  I am absolutely in love with student teaching.  I think about it constantly, and I'm pretty sure I dream about it every night, too.  (Obsessed.. ?)  One thing I have definitely learned about teachers is they do A LOT of EVERYTHING.  When I was a student, I always assumed teachers just planned lessons, graded papers, and assigned a lot of homework.  I was totally wrong...  Everyday, I watch my cooperating teacher manage her students (and their parents), communicate with co-workers and bosses, attend meetings, counsel, teach (of course), plan lessons, grade papers, and everything else under the sun!!!  Each day I gain more and more respect for teachers! 

2) Our house is STILL for sale.  It has been listed for five long months now, but no offers yet.  We are waiting patiently for God to send us our buyer.  He is definitely testing my faith with this house because it is soo easy to get discouraged and lose hope.  Everything will work out on His perfect timing though.  This I know :)

3) Holy Homes!!!  This weekend, our church is hosting a Holy Homes Conference for married couples (and families) to learn how to have a more God-centered home.  I am soo excited!  I absolutely love anything that has to do with enriching the spiritual life of our marriage and future family. 

Well, time to finish watching The Bachelor.  Happy Monday! :)

1 comment:

  1. You sound like an amazing teacher! What a great idea! And when you are excited about what you do to the point of dreaming about it, you've found your calling! (I dream about spreadsheets, but in a bad way!)

    Congrats on it all!
